docker run --name wiki_server --restart unless-stopped -v /wiki:/data -p 8081:8080 wikipedia_en_all_maxi_2021-03.zim urban-prepper_en_all_2023-12.zim wikispecies_en_all_maxi_2024-02.zim

# After it was built i had to ctrl C to stop it running

docker start wiki_server

#your now setup for

######################        DONE    ############################

#to see what is created
docker ps -a

#to start a docker
docker start wiki_server

#to stop a docker
docker stop wiki_server

#to remove a docker
docker rm wiki_server

dietpi-software install 96

# to edit shares
nano /etc/samba/smb.conf

# add to the bottom
        comment = wiki share
        path = /wiki
        browseable = yes
        create mask = 0775
        directory mask = 0775
        valid users = dietpi
        writeable = yes
max connections = 8

#need to restart samba to take effect
service smbd restart

#I made a folder called /wiki and put the .zim files there.  I use samba to get it there.
mkdir /wiki
chmod -R 777 /wiki
# Install Docker
dietpi-software install 162
Download your .ZIM file from here and put it into your wiki share folder
#########################             REBUILD                ##################################################

# If you need to add more books, I could only do it by deleting the container and making it again.

# stop the container
docker stop wiki_server

#remove the container
docker rm wiki_server

# Add  the books on the back of the build docker run --name wiki_server -v /wiki:/data -p 8080:8080

# My config is:
docker run --name wiki_server -v /wiki:/data -p 8081:8080 100r-off-the-grid_en_2023-12.zim cheatography.com_en_all_2022-04.zim fas-military-medicine_en_2023-06.zim mdwiki_en_all_2024-02.zim openstreetmap-wiki_en_all_maxi_2023-05.zim urban-prepper_en_all_2023-12.zim wikipedia_en_all_maxi_2024-01.zim wikipedia_en_computer_maxi_2024-02.zim wikipedia_en_history_maxi_2024-02.zim wikispecies_en_all_maxi_2024-02.zim wikivoyage_en_all_maxi_2024-02.zim wiktionary_en_all_maxi_2024-01.zim zimgit-food-preparation_en_2023-08.zim zimgit-knots_en_2023-06.zim zimgit-medicine_en_2024-02.zim zimgit-post-disaster_en_2023-06.zim zimgit-water_en_2023-08.zim